Something has been bothering me these couple of days.. It's about "butterfly ladies".. They have been called many names, such as "butterfly ladies" or even "kuaci ladies".. I'm not trying to say that they are a disgusting society.. It's just that i have been thinking a lot about this recently..

I feel that they actually deserve a better life than looking for "preys" by walking in and out of pubs and jump from pubs to pubs!!! I have been alright seeing only women walking around.. But this year, I have noticed that there are young girls involved.. Around early 20s.. It's really not what they are suppose to do.. They actually have a bright future ahead of them.. They could be waitresses or even hostesses (a proper hostess i mean).. But NO!! They choose to linger around with some old farts and scraping off of their wallets.. I know that some people might say that the reason why they did all these things it's because they are illegal immigrants and they couldn't find a proper job.. BULLSH*T!! A man that both hubby and i look up to had once told us of his experience that he had when he went to a certain country without proper documentation but he managed to find a proper job there... So what difference does it make for these girls? The only reason why they're doing this it's because of fast money...

I really hope that they will come to their senses someday.. Or not, the world will be upside down, and women will never be respected..

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