This morning i was half asleep in the office.. And when i was checking my emails (as i usually do every morning), i found that i have CC-ed to the wrong person.. The email was sent by Miss A.. But i accidentally CC it to Miss B.. So i think Miss B is quite pissed off with me right now.. Or even hate me...

I was forced to say so because Mr C called me up yesterday evening asking about why Miss B sent an email to him to confirm a couple of liqour orders.. Then i keep telling him that maybe Miss B just wants to double confirm on the order or to let him know that htere is such order being made... Then at the end of the whole conversation, i realise that what he is trying to convey is, "You guys got no communication ge meh?".. This question has been hanging around for quite some time.. And i do feel that we really do not have good communication skill amongst ourselves.. Hy.. What to do.. We tried to change the situation before, but it did not work..

So because of this question (which really upset me), i replied Miss A's email and bashed Miss B... And at the end, Miss B found out because i accidentally CC-ed to her... I felt sorry at first... And wanted to apologise... But when i come to think of it, Nah!!! ... Because i really feel that she do not communicate with me well... She do not come forward to ask me about anything.. She just likes to ask some other people or the end user themselves... Which apparently, she will get bashed too... Hy... Really difficult to work here...

Someone please save me.... T-T


  1. XD u very funny... making such kind of mistake!

  2. ...... I need saving now... Not being laughed at.. :( By the way, who is this?? Because the name is stated anonymous..
